Criminal DefenseCriminal Defense

There’s nothing scarier than being arrested, and it is hard to imagine anything more devastating to your life, your family, and your job. The mere accusation of a crime can ruin lives, and the danger is only multiplied by the potential loss of money, property, and even your liberty.

You should never try to represent yourself in a criminal matter. Even a minor misdemeanor conviction can have serious repercussions on your job (especially if it requires any kind of licensing), your education, and your ability to expunge other convictions in the future. Even if you think you are guilty, you need professional assistance. Sometimes, it turns out that people who think they committed a crime did not do so. Prosecutors are also known to over-charge crimes, to push for harsher sentences than are appropriate, or to “overlook” Constitutional violations by the police. And, in many instances, there are diversionary programs that can prevent you from having a conviction on your record, even if you did commit a crime. Only an experienced attorney can make the assessments necessary to ensure that your rights are protected.

At Shelton Legal Services, we represent clients throughout the state of Michigan in criminal cases ranging from misdemeanor “minor in possession” matters to felony sex crimes and murder cases…and everything in between. More importantly, we think beyond the narrow scope of “your case” and look at the “big picture”: how will this case affect your job, your reputation, your family, and your future…and how can we minimize the impact?

Most criminal cases are won and lost before the defendant even enters the courtroom. If you’ve been charged with a crime—or think you might be—you can’t afford to wait. Read over our advice on what you should do, and contact us immediately.

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Shelton Legal Services, PLLC

110 Trealout Drive, Suite 201 • Fenton, MI 48430810-750-1420 / 810-326-0893 (St. Clair Office)

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